Acmes' seventh annual lecture series has commenced on 20 September
23 September 2018
This year's lecture series kicked off with a successful and engaging filmscreening of the Judge, on Palestine's first woman Shari'a judge, followed with a Q&A by mr. dr. Maaike Voorhoeve & prof. dr. Annelies Moors. During our second event on the 4th of October, prof. dr. Shahram Koshravi, Social Anthropologist at Stockholm University, will teach us more about the criminalization of working-class masculinity in present day Iran, thereby contstructing a new class of 'criminals' referred to as 'arazel owbash' (thugs and ruffians).
We continue on with lectures and other events on various topics presented by other prominent (inter)national scholars, covering topics such as the Hajj, the recovering of leftist pasts in the Arab region and the war in Yemen, amongst others. On the 13th of December following our lecture on alternative paths for the Iranian revolution we will finish with our annual thesis award ceremony, a prize awarded to the best BA/MA thesis related to the Middle East. More information about the Thesis Prize can be found here. On the 17th of December, we will close off our annual lecture series with a research convention.
Our complete list of events can be found in the link below. All lectures will be held in English and are followed by a reception.