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As part of ACMES, the Amsterdam Initiative for Iranian Studies (AIIS) brings together Amsterdam based scholars and students to advance research and study of historical and contemporary Iran in the social sciences
and the humanities.
This new academic network aims to creates a platform where the general public can hear and discuss the state of the art in Iranian Studies. Various activities will be organised to provide this platform, including:
Public lectures;
Seminars that give scholars and students the opportunity to discuss their research and academic interests in Iranian studies;
A yearly award for the best MA thesis on Iran (social sciences and humanities) by students at Dutch universities (nominations welcome).
AIIS activities are organised by its Academic Board: Peyman Jafari (Chair, University of Amsterdam), Touraj Atabaki (International Institute of Social History), Paul Aarts (University of Amsterdam) and Halleh Ghorashi (Free University). A list of AIIS associates can be found here. If you are a lecturer, researcher, or PhD candidate in Amsterdam, and would like to be involved, please send an email to
The first annual Prince Dr Sabbar Farman lecture, by Juan Cole (University of Michigan): 'From railroads in the nineteenth century to modern day nuclear power restraints'. Organised by AIIS in cooperation with the International Institute of Social History (IISG).
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